Industry-specific design bot
Dedicated services for Sabo dams, bridges, rivers, roads, mold inspection, etc.
APOSTOL is a Industry-specific design bot that maximizes the effects of parametric models and feature bases
We achieved a 70% reduction in man-hours for drawings and quantities, and a maximum of 99% for revisions and changes
APOSTOL complies with the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism’s “CIM introduction guidelines (draft)”

Parametric model
A 3D model that can be easily created and modified simply by entering parameters such as dimensions embedded in a pre-defined model template
Using parametric models simplifies the work of creating 3D models and can be expected to reduce work time
Feature-based is the mainstream method in parametric CAD, and creates a solid 3D model by instructing the procedure of extrusion, cutting, etc
APOSTOL consists of more than 10,000 features (procedures) piled up
Design flow interface
APOSTOL interfaces directly with the 2D design flow
Anyone from expert to inexperienced design engineers can complete most of the design work by entering numbers and making selections according to the flow*1
*1: Most of the work handled by APOSTOL is the drawing and quantity part
3D design
APOSTOL is a 3D design bot
Not 3D modeling after 2D design is completed
Pursuing the ideal form of cutting out 2D drawings from 3D models
Terrain analysis
The terrain used by APOSTOL is a Nurbs surface, not a polygon
Nurbs make it possible to obtain any geometric information, not indeterminate quantities
The terrain analysis system for APOSTOL-SABO, which is available as an option, automatically analyzes the loaded terrain model and extracts valley and ridge lines*1
*1: Extract candidates for valleys and ridges. Extract lines that are difficult to judge with contour drawings
Flexible for modification
In 2D design, all drawings and quantities had to be reviewed every time revisions were made, which not only increased the time and cost, but also caused human error
Apostol is a design bot that has most of the procedures programmed and linked to the quantity table, so if you change the numerical value on the interface, the related shape, drawing, and quantity will change
APOSTOL automatically performs most of the work procedures, so there is no human error*1
Verification is also just checking the numerical value of the interface
*1 Some operations require the designer’s judgment
Overwhelming speed
APOSTOL’s biggest attraction is its speed
With regard to drawings and quantities, we can reduce man-hours by more than 70%*1 If you create a 3D model from a 2D drawing, there is no time required*2
And it is possible to reduce man-hours for revisions by up to 99%*3
*1: Based on our design engineer’s benchmark for APOSTOL-SABO
*2: APOSTOL is based on a 3D model
*3: This is the actual value when changing the dam cuffs with APOSTOL-SABO
Quad play
APOSTOL is a quad play design
Just by completing the design work, we have achieved four types of output: 3D model, 2D drawing, 2D quantity, and 3D quantity*1
*1: 3D quantity is not included in the quantity table
SaaS(Software as a Service)
to deliver software via the cloud
APOSTOL is SaaS placed on AWS*1
SaaS doesn’t care about the specs of your PC APOSTOL is a pay-as-you-go service provided by SaaS*2
*1: AWS is a cloud service provided by AMAZON
*2: APOSTOL is a pay-per-second service
An educational tool that connects 2D design engineers with the next generation
It is said that the hurdles to overcome for 2D design engineers to design in 3D are very high
However, 3D engineers who are compatible with BIM/CIM will undoubtedly support the construction industry in the future
APOSTOL interfaces 2D design flow so you can introduce 3D design with less training
Experts can train new employees through APOSTOL

3D review
3D design verification criteria are not defined yet, but APOSTOL makes it easy Since it is a design bot (automatic design) that adopts parametric, just check the numerical values entered in the interface and the model shape and you are done

APOSTOL engine is PTC Creo Parametric
Product industries such as automobiles and home appliances introduced 3D design 30 years earlier than the construction industry
PTC Creo Parametric has earned outstanding trust in the product industry
APOSTOL succeeds in robotization by maximizing Creo’s unrivaled functions
