Chief Executive Officer Yoshinari Umezawa

2-2-15 Win Aoyama-UCF 6F Minami Aoyama, Minato Tokyo 107-0062 Japan

TEL +81(0)3-5918-8685

Established 12/12/2022

Capital 4.5 million yen

Business details
Development and sales of advanced applications related to civil engineering design and construction.
 Solution development and sales in product development, manufacturing and production, digital engineering and design mainly in 3D and 4D.
 Creation and sale of tools and systems related to disaster prevention, operation of a platform for the accumulation and exchange of information and technology related to civil engineering.
 Training of digital engineers and digital designers
 Export of disaster prevention civil engineering technology and self-developed applications in Japan.
 Import and sales of the latest technology.
 Digital creation contracting and temporary staffing.